Two well attended meetings were held in January - here you can see the presentation that was given.  

Sydenham's Neighbourhood Plan can be seen on the Council’s website. Go to



Picture of St Mary's church in the snow

What does a Neighbourhood Plan cover?

A plan can be broad in scope, including housing, business premises, transport and development of amenities. For Sydenham, the focus is on housing.

What can a Neighbourhood Plan do and not do?

​A Neighbourhood Plan can decide where and what type of development should happen in a neighbourhood. It cannot conflict with the strategic policies in the Local Plan or be used to prevent development that is included in the Local Plan.          

​​​​​All the members of the team are volunteers and comprise of a number of people from across the community of Sydenham, including:
•       Mark Kermack (Chair)
•       Tara Glen
•       Michael May
•       Mark Oliver
•       Toby Roe
If you have any questions or wish to contact the team then please email and they will come back to you.


latest ​update

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
A Neighbourhood plan is a government initiative enabling communities to influence and have a say in local development. Neighbourhood plans sit alongside the wider plan (known as the Local Plan) for a whole planning authority. In Sydenham’s case, this is South Oxfordshire District Council. Once implemented decisions on planning applications are made using both the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood plan, and any other material considerations.


Your Volunteer Neighbourhood Plan Team

neighbourhood PLAN

neighbourhood PLAN review