Sports clubs, leisure users and sports enthusiasts can have their say on sports and leisure facilities in South Oxfordshire and the Vale.
South Oxfordshire District Council has launched its Playing Pitch and Leisure Facilities consultation looking at current and future provision of facilities across the district.
The council is now inviting residents and organisations involved with sports in South Oxfordshire to get involved with the consultations and give their feedback about what the council needs to protect, enhance, and provide. Please see for details.

What's happening in sydenham?

To vote in this election, residents need to have registered at their current address by Tuesday 16 April.

thame & wheatley ramblers

Thame & Wheatley Ramblers have a programme of walks, details can be found at walking (  At present there is no restriction on the number permitted on walks and for most walks there is no need to book.  However, please check the website regularly as walks are subject to change.

sporting and leisure facilities

South Oxfordshire has set out plans to change the way their garden waste service is paid for in 2025.
The council has agreed the introduction of a permit scheme from April 2025 which will include subscribers receiving a sticker for their bins to identify them as fully paid-up garden waste customers.
When customers sign up and pay for the scheme in 2025, they will be sent a garden waste permit sticker to put on their bin/or bins, which will help the waste collection crews identify which bins should be emptied. The permits will act in a similar way to a parking permit as a proof of subscription payment. All subscribers will receive a new sticker annually each time they renew.
This will help to ensure that only households that have paid for the service have their brown garden waste bins emptied.
The changes are part of the councils’ ongoing work to improve the efficiency and value of public services.
The garden waste subscriptions currently run via annual direct debit payments from the date people signed up for the scheme. Next year, the councils will stop taking direct debit payments for the service. Customers will instead make a single annual payment by debit or credit card - so that everyone’s payment year will run from 1 April to 31 March each year.
The council will directly contact all customers, via letters and email, in plenty of time to remind them to renew.
Current subscribers will receive notification of the changes with this year’s invoices. This will provide more information on the new system in 2025 as well as details of changes to their direct debit payment this year and the annual fee increase to cover the cost of running the service.

garden waste service

Residents will be able to vote for The Police and Crime Commissioner, the elected representative who oversees how crime is tackled across Thames Valley. Their aim is to cut crime and to ensure the police force is effective. They are elected for a four-year term.  You can find more about the role of The Police and Crime Commissioner at   

All villagers are invited to the Sydenham Annual Parish Meeting on Friday 26th April 2024 at 7 pm in The Old School Room.
There will be complimentary wine, beer, soft drinks and snacks and The World Famous Sydenham Village Quiz! 
The Annual Parish Meeting is one of the village social events of the year and we would like to encourage everyone, especially those of you newer to the village, to come along and meet more of your neighbours, villagers and Parish Councillors.
❓ What happens on the night ❓
The first part of the meeting is the opportunity for villagers to find out what the Parish Council and the various groups in the village are doing - and for villagers to put forward and discuss their views as to what they would like to see the village doing in the future.
We then move on to Dave’s Village Quiz 😊
Think about making up a team, possibly with a neighbouring household, in advance - but we also make them up on the night. There will be prizes!
We will be sure to follow up with more information and we look forward to seeing you on April 26th.
It would help with catering if you could let us know how many will be coming from your household by Monday 22nd April by emailing:

BANK Holiday bin collections

With the Bank Holiday, the bins will be emptied a day later than usual from 7 - 11 May. To see the full list of collection changes visit  Here you will also find the latest waste information leaflet, including easy-to-read holiday collection changes, information on how to report a missed collection and how to download the 2024-25 waste collection calendar.  

election information - 2nd may

annual parish meeting - 26th April