Oxfordshire County Council have a website page regarding salting, gritting and snow.  For guidance on snow clearance please see their issued Snow Guide. 

​For the Flood Toolkit please visit the Oxfordshire County Council page at  This includes flood reporting links and advice on flood recovery.  Further flood information is available on the Oxfordshire County Council website



Parish Council

Picture of Brookstones

waste collections

The church



Household waste, including collection days and reporting missed bins:

Garden waste collection updates:

Waste Recycling Centres  ​Please see the waste and recycling pages at Oxfordshire County Council's website 

our Clubs, Societies and Facilities


The Pubs

Picture of the Crown pub

There are so many; the tough decision is which one to join:

Feel free to ask around in the village to find out more.

news and events

Picture of St Mary's church

power cuts - advice from ssen

St Mary's Church in the centre of the village has regular services through-out the year and an active choir...

Picture of cottage opposite the village green

The village is incredibly lucky to have two vibrant pubs which offer drinks, food and regular special events...

This list of contact details is to enable you to report any problems you have with services and highways.  The Parish Council uses these contacts but please report problems yourself for a prompt resolution.

Gas Emergency: 24/7 National Gas helpline 0800 111999

Power Cuts: National power cut helpline 0800 31 63 105 calls are free from mobile or landline. Alternatively call free on 105.  Online via and put in your postcode for contact details.  If you live West of Slade Farm ring SSEN on 0800 072 72 82 or visit their Power Track website

Thames Water: Leaks 0800 714614 or

Road closures: and pop your postcode in the search location box on the right.

Potholes and other highway problems (including roadside trees, hedges and vegetation affecting the highway):

Fly tipping: on the dedicated SODC page  or calling 03000 610610

Footpath and bridleway problems:

Gritting information

Find out which areas are being gritted at Milestone Oxfordshire

This guide to utility services includes information on the Priority Services Register, financial support and advice, and further advice and resources.

Sydenham Village nestles in the glorious Oxfordshire countryside enjoying picturesque views of the Chiltern Hills

Oxfordshire Highways 03453 101 111
Waste Collections (BIFFA) 03000 610 610
Oxfordshire County Council Switchboard 01865 792422
South Oxfordshire District Council Emergency Helpline 01235 422410 

SSEN have provided the following information to help prepare for the possibility of disruption to supplies:

Save the emergency power cut number - '105' - to your phone to report any loss of supply or damage to the electricity network
Visit the 
Power Track Website giving details of power cuts and restoration times. You can also report power cuts and network damage through Power Track.
Visit the
"Preparing for a power cut" section of their website, where there is a wealth of advice and information, or to chat live to one of the advisors via the Webchat service

Customers are also eligible for the 
Priority Services Register (PSR) if they:

  • Are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Have a disability
  • Live with children under five
  • Are blind or partially-sighted
  • Have a chronic illness
  • Use medical equipment/aids reliant on electricity
  • Are over 60.

To find out more about the PSR, click here or call 0800 294 3259.

SSEN will continue to update their website and social media channels (Instagram, Facebook and X (Twitter) ) regularly.

Picture of St Mary's Church

News and updates are shared around the village through a regular newsletter pulled together by a dedicated team...

The responsibilities of the Council are varied and ever-changing in supporting the needs and desires of this dynamic community...